Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Anti-Fur Project

In which me & Lyall cooked up a curious concoction of poster paint, 'vampire blood' and coffee that maybe perhaps slightly resembled blood and dribbled it all over me & various cheapo vintage [possibly-hopefully faux] fur items while various passersby looked in through our woefully curtain-less windows and wondered what kind of weird fetish video we were making.

We ended up with three images to submit to the annualDesign Against Fur campaign/competition from the Fur Free Alliance.
Having researched into the various methods of anti-fur campaigning, I realise how incredibly easy it is to appear judgemental and 'preachy', so I will refrain from going on about how worthy the cause is and suggest you poke around those there websites.

Lyall took the photos, I am the 'model' and I edited the photos too. We went with slightly blue-toned versions in the end:

but I quite liked the arguably even MORE disturbing desaturated versions:


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