Sunday, 31 May 2009


i always seem to be complaining about technology, I'm such a whiny blogger I know I know.
but it's not all bad!!

I got a Tumblr blog-thing for all my snippets of inspiration, pretty photos, things i see on the internet and always forget to save, etc etc:

it's been taking up way too much of my time, I think I am vaguely attempting to reupload my entire photobucket account onto tumblr.
everything is tagged for easy navigation and all.. yes, I am going up in the world. clearly.

soooo if you have a tumblr come add me or make yourself known or however these things work, and we can tumble together in the big old washing-machine they call life.

Finally finished it (g2 editorial)

The first time I attempted this project, my computer decided the time was right to express its hatred for me -and perhaps all of humanity. My mistake was attempting to save. There were horrible metal-grating sounds, weird bleeps and most terrifying of all, the eternally-swirling rainbow pizza of doom that is the Mac's 'processing' symbol.

I have since cleaned out my hard drive and got a new 4GB flash drive and the computer seems to be a lot happier. Well, there's less rainbow pizza. So i attempted the project again; it's an editorial brief set by the people at the Guardian. we had to pick one of three stories and provide a cover & two=page spread using two additional illustrations.


It's kinda boring, hm?
There are quite a few bits I still want to tweak, like making the article title darker, fixing the weird orange leg, doing SOMETHING to make the g2 logo look better, put another texture over the background to make it less god damn sharp.
But i have a tendency to overwork my stuff soooo i'm gonna leave it alone for a bit and come back to it ina couple of days. tell me if you have any suggestions!

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Last summer was the end of my first year studying Illustration. My class was set the task of keeping a visual diary from July through to the start of term in October to keep us busy.
I recently got mine back after giving it in for reviewing and all that jazz, and have begun the task of scanning the alright-looking pages.
Due to scanner issues (ie me not actually having one), I only have 4 so far :/
sorry. I will update you in small doses . And since my style is so freakin erratic, hopefully you won't get bored!
July 1st: welcome to my life
July 2nd. Some of you might recognise the pencil portrait, which I posted here just after I'd drawn it. This is what happened to it!
July 3rd - made paper cranes
July 4th: I wish I was tHERe

They get progressively worse/more rushed after this, heh. Should scan about 10 more this week.